Apr 5, 2019

Meet Melinda: Associate Profile

After getting a bachelor’s degree and working in the mental health field for twelve years, Melinda found herself in a dark place.
“I just got super burned out. I started seeing people in a darker light, and I didn’t see the good in people anymore. I couldn’t separate myself. I realized I needed to make a change, or I wasn’t going to be a good person anymore,” Melinda explains.
However, Melinda wasn’t sure what other career options she had. For so long, she’d been studying and working in one field, so when she needed to make a change, she felt completely lost. Her bishop told her about Deseret Industries—a safe place where she could receive guidance and start over.
Melinda is still working on identifying a new direction, but she has found hope and light at Deseret Industries.
“I’m grateful that this program is here and that they’re helping me figure out what I want to do. Coming here—I went from such a dark place to such a light place. It’s a night and day difference. I’m starting to see people positively now. It’s cleared my head, and I know that there is something better out there for me,” Melinda says.
Associate Melinda smiles at a cash register at DI