What brought Tyson to Deseret Industries? "My children."
Tyson wanted a new start in life. "I don't get to see them very much, and I want to be in their lives. In order to do that, I need to be working and doing better in my own life."
Tyson was recently released from jail, and after a long battle with addiction, he's been sober for a year. "I'm just trying to take things one step at a time, and I heard that this was a good place to do that," he says.
At DI, Tyson is able to have some additional schooling paid for, and he's getting started with his GED. Tyson's end goal is to become an electrician. The path ahead of him includes a lot of hard work—and "a lot of math," jokes Tyson—but he's up for the challenge.
"Once I got sober, I realized what was more important, and that's family," Tyson explains.