Deseret Industries is helping Sheldon find a new direction that will allow him to take care of his greatest love—his family.
In the past, Sheldon worked for a lightning protection company, traveling around the state for multiple days at a time and installing equipment in different locations. When Sheldon became a widower with teenage children at home, traveling for work was no longer feasible. He needed to find a job that would allow him to be home with his children.
At Deseret Industries, Sheldon is investigating new possibilities. He has always had a passion for plants, so one option is landscaping. He is also considering machining. In high school, Sheldon took a lot of welding classes, and that interests him too.
Sheldon is grateful for the help he’s receiving at Desert Industries. “There’s a huge thing going on here that’s not just donating stuff and buying stuff at discounted prices,” Sheldon explains. “Deseret Industries has given me a chance to go to school.”