From my very first day at Deseret Industries I was focused on achieving my dream job. I wanted to earn my GED, the legal equivalent to a high school diploma and to paint cars. I worked hard, very hard. My hard work was soon noticed and I trained to price merchandise in the large-as-is production area. This is a critical position, requiring a great deal of responsibility. It was my job to see that goods were accurately priced, cleaned, and moved onto the sales floor.
Once I had completed my GED, I began working closely with my job coach to find a business partnership that would help me advance toward my second goal. With Deseret Industries willing to pay my salary while I trained, my job coach found a local company willing to have me as a part of their team. Once again, I worked hard. If I completed an assigned task, I would find another task and begin working on it. They always saw me working.
The resources of Deseret Industries, combined with a lot of hard work, brought me the success I hoped for. I am now employed in a business that does quality auto body repair—and I love it!
“I began working closely with my job coach to find a business partnership”
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