As my high school life came to an end, I found myself looking for a way to transition into adulthood. I was looking for a job that would challenge me, but I had never had a job before. I wanted to stay away from a job that would punish me for committing the common mistakes that I knew I would inevitably make. I had also just begun as a full-time college student and needed a job that would offer a flexible schedule.
My sister suggested I get a referral from the bishop and schedule an interview at Deseret Industries (DI). After I did that, I started working almost immediately. I soon discovered that DI is an incredible workplace, one that would make my transition easy.
In the beginning, I was afraid of failure. I didn't believe I was able to accomplish many things, and just the thought of trying was completely overwhelming. After completing the hours of training videos, hands-on training, and technical training, I became confident in things I never thought I would be able to do. My experience at DI taught me patience in working with customers. I also gained new leadership and communication skills. I even acquired many technical skills, including the safe operation of heavy machinery. I received my forklift license within the first five months or so of working at DI. I can also safely operate a heavy-duty compacting machine and a baler.
At first I didn't know precisely what I wanted to do for work or in life in general. With help from my job coaches and staff, I was able to shine light on the path that I was destined to walk, even if it is only short-term.
It wasn't long before I realized that confidence is probably the most important thing that I acquired at DI. I have the ability now to tell myself that I can and will do well at anything I set my mind to. This confidence has helped me tremendously in everyday situations. And with my DI experience, I have the background I need for finding another job. I am now moving forward as a baker.
I have left DI confident and ambitious. I will never forget how I got my start at DI.
“I became confident in things I never thought I would be able to do.”
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