Jun 15, 2018

Meet Zolzaya: Associate Profile

Zolzaya, who goes by ZZ, grew up in Mongolia. When she was 26 years old, she moved to India and got an MBA. After finishing her master's degree, ZZ worked for a university, helping recruit students. Then, with a new job in hand, she headed to Brazil for the next five years.
From there, ZZ decided to move to the United States to be with her family. "I have my three sisters living here," ZZ explains. After arriving in the United States, ZZ put in some long hours working at friends' restaurants, but she wanted to find a job better suited for her.
That's when ZZ started working at Deseret Industries. For a while she struggled knowing what sort of job she'd like. "I knew I'd love to work in sales, and I'd also like to have some flexible hours. [My job coach and I] discovered that real estate could be a very good thing for me."
ZZ has now taken a real estate course, and she's gearing up to take the licensing exam. The test is difficult, but she has faith that she's going to be successful.
"I’m expecting lots of challenges as well as lots of opportunities. I cannot expect anything less," ZZ says. "But I’m confident after taking this course. . . .  Yes, it’s not easy, but it’s actually quite interesting and challenging, and I’m so eager to get started."