Giving His Way a Try

“Do what God wants you to do to the best of your ability, and He will take care of you.”

I was privileged to have had of all the blessings that come from growing up in an active LDS home. I served in leadership positions as a youth, earned the rank of Eagle Scout, went on a two year mission, and married in the temple. Then, I lost my way. For twenty years I traveled the road of addiction, using both drugs and alcohol.

Eventually, after months of being extremely ill, I drove myself to a hospital. In the parking lot, I argued with myself about if I should check myself in to get help or if I should end my suffering there in that parking lot. I checked myself in. Within a few days I was clean of the drugs, but without the drugs, I didn’t know how to function. Within a short time, I found myself without a job, a home, or a friend.

I had fallen to a very low place when I made the decision to end my suffering. I visited my children and kissed them goodbye, then went to a church parking lot where I swallowed a handful of pills. Once again, I found myself in the hospital. There I remembered what a friend once told me, “Do what God wants you to do to the best of your ability, and He will take care of you.”

When I was released from the hospital, I had no place to go. One of my counselors suggested I go to Deseret Industries to see if they could help me. I went there and one of the transient bishops visited with me. He put me in a hotel room for a few nights in exchange for volunteer work. I truly had no intention of keeping my part of the agreement, but a feeling deep inside spoke to me, saying, “Do what you said you would do.” I knew that it was what God would have me do, so I decided to give His way a try.

Immediately I went to Deseret Industries. There I met the job coach for the small-as-is department. He gave me hope that there was a future for me through my participation in the DI program. From that moment on, my life changed. Deseret Industries helped me to help myself and gave me the desire to help others like me.

I am glad that I decided to give God’s way a chance. Because of DI, I have a home and food. I also have peace, which had eluded me for years. I am not perfect, but I do what God wants me to do to the best of my ability. Deseret Industries has helped me learn a powerful lesson, “Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light" (Matthew 11:28–30).


“I met the job coach for the small-as-is department. He gave me hope that there was a future for me through my participation in the DI program."

For more amazing stories like Everett’s, visit the DI’s Facebook page by clicking here.