With back-to-school season quickly approaching, people of all ages are preparing their minds for learning. Knowledge isn’t just for school, however. It’s important to keep your mind sharp all year, and there are many ways to do that even outside a formal classroom. If you’re looking for ways to learn, here are some things you can do to get started.
Knowledge first begins with a desire to learn. Simply wondering about the world around you will introduce your mind to many new things that can lead to new information. By asking questions about how things are made, what makes things happen, and why something exists, you can discover all sorts of things you never would have known otherwise.
Trying new things is also a great way to learn new skills and information. Taking opportunities whenever they arise can lead to new discoveries, friends, and hobbies. Eat at a new restaurant. Try a new sport. Go take some community classes that look interesting. Whatever you decide to do, just get out and do it. Having experiences is the foundation of learning new things.
There are all sorts of benefits that come from reading regularly. Novels and magazines can introduce you to new ideas and expand your vocabulary. If you want to learn a specific skill, there are plenty of online forums and how-to books available. Check out the book section of Deseret Industries, visit the library, or hop on the internet to see what kinds of things you can find. You may be surprised at how much you’ll learn!
The internet is useful in a variety of ways, and tutorial videos are everywhere. By simply entering a few keywords in a search bar, you can find out how to do everything from making origami to playing the guitar. There are also plenty of lecture-type videos and documentaries that offer a more formal feel for subjects like chemistry, history, and math.
Sometimes life feels too busy, and it seems like you don’t have any time to read a book or watch a video. If that’s the case, podcasts can offer the same type of learning in a different way. Try listening to one on your commute, while you get ready in the morning, or even while doing some cleaning. You can learn new things while still getting work done.
Even in your downtime, there are opportunities to learn. There are hundreds of applications for your cell phone and games for your computer that are free to use and offer fun ways to exercise those mental muscles. You can learn languages, improve your memory, and even discover fun trivia facts all by playing games and having fun.
No matter what stage of life you’re in or what you’re doing, you can learn new things. All that’s required is a little time, a little dedication, and a little desire to discover something new. Regardless of how you choose to learn things, remember to have fun with it! By committing to learn even without a classroom, you will continually grow and gain new opportunities.